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8086 masm program to search substring

I have a 8086 Assembly Language Program to find out whether a given sub-string is present or not in a main string of characters. Its working fine when the sub string is a single character.Otherwise not. Help me to find the bug.

here is my code snippet

print macro arg                  
lea dx,arg
mov ah,09h
int 21h

data segment

CarriageReturn equ 0dh      ; Next Line
LineFeed equ 0ah            ; Printer Next Line

Message1 db CarriageReturn,LineFeed,"Enter the string:$"
Message2 db CarriageReturn,LineFeed,"Enter the sub string:$"
Message3 db CarriageReturn,LineFeed,"sub string found $"
Message4 db CarriageReturn,LineFeed,"sub string not found $"
String db 100 dup(?)
SubString db 100 dup(?) 

outs dw 100 dup(?)
begin db 0000h
n db 0000h
StringLength db 0000h
SubStringLength db 0000h
dif db 0000h
n1 db 0000h
of1 dw 0000h
data ends 

code segment
assume cs:code,ds:data
    mov ax,data             ; Point ds ( Data Segement )
    mov ds,ax               ; To data segment          
    lea si,String           ; si to Main String 
    lea di,SubString        ; di to Sub String
    mov cl,00h
    print Message1          ; Call Macro to Display String "Enter the String" 

    mov ah,01h              ; Dos Function To Read Character From Standard Input
    int 21h                 ; Dos Interrupt 21h 
                            ; OUTPUT : AL = character from the standard input device
    cmp al,0dh              ; Cmp if carrage return or Enter Key is Pressed
    mov StringLength,cl     ; Store the Length of String in Memory
    je l1                   ; If Enter Key is pressed jump to l1 
    mov [si],al             ; Store Character in Memory Address of Main String 
    inc si                  ; Increment to Next Memory Location for next character in Main String
    inc cl                  ; Increment String Length Counter
    jmp LoopReadMainString

    print Message2          ; Call Macro to Display String "Enter the sub string"
    mov cl,00h
    jmp LoopReadSubString

    mov ah,01h              ; Dos Function To Read Character From Standard Input
    int 21h                 ; Dos Interrupt 21h     
    cmp al,0dh              ; Cmp if carrage return or Enter Key is Pressed
    mov SubStringLength,cl  ; Store the Length of Sub String in Memory
    je l3                   ; If Enter Key is pressed Jump to l3
    mov [di],al             ; Store Character in Memory Address of Sub Main String 
    inc di                  ; Increment to Next Memory Location for next character in Main String
    inc cl                  ; Increment String Length Counter
    jmp LoopReadSubString

    mov al,StringLength
    cmp al,SubStringLength  ; Cmp if StringLength = SubStringLength
    jz l4                   ; Jump to l4 if zero flag is set, ZF = 1 if equal  
    jnc l4                  ; Jump if carry flag not set to l4
    jc exit1                ; if carry flag is set go to exit

    lea si,String           ; Load effective address of string to si, ideally point si to memory location of String
    lea di,SubString        ; Point di to memory location of SubString
    mov bl,[di]             ; copy character in memory location of di ( SubString ) to bl
    mov begin,bl            ; copy character to begin variable
    mov cl,StringLength     ; cl or cx is generally used as counter, copy String Length to cl
    jmp l5                  ; Jmp to l5.   

    cmp cl,00h              ; cmp to see if the value of cl counter ie length of string  value is 0            
    je exit1                ; jump to exit. 
    mov al,[si]             ; copy character in main string to al
    cmp al,begin            ; Compare character in main string with character in substirng ( both are  pointing to memory location )
    mov bl,SubStringLength  ; bl will contain the string length of substring
    jz l8                   ; if they are same jump to l8
    inc si                  ; inc Main String Pointer to point to next character
    dec cl                  ; counter cx is decrease  to compare to zero the first line in l5 
    jmp l5                  ; loop . jump to l5

    dec cl           
    mov ax,si
    mov of1,ax
    jmp l6

    cmp bl,00h
    je exit2
    mov al,[si]
    cmp al,[di]
    inc si
    inc di
    dec bl
    jnz l7
    jmp l6

    mov si,of1
    mov al,[si]
    inc si
    lea di,SubString
    jmp l5

    print Message4              ; Print "Substring Found"
    mov ah,4ch                  ; Dos Sub Function To Exit Program
    int 21h                     ; Dos Interrupt 21h

    print Message3              ; Print "Substring Not Found"
    mov ah,4ch                  ; Dos SubFunction To Exit Program
    int 21h                     ; Dos Interrupt 21h
code ends
end start


  • print macro arg
    lea dx,arg
    mov ah,09h
    int 21h
    data segment
    CarriageReturn equ 0dh      ; Next Line
    LineFeed equ 0ah            ; Printer Next Line
    Message1 db CarriageReturn,LineFeed,"Enter the string:$"
    Message2 db CarriageReturn,LineFeed,"Enter the sub string:$"
    Message3 db CarriageReturn,LineFeed,"sub string found $"
    Message4 db CarriageReturn,LineFeed,"sub string not found $"
    String db 100 dup(?)
    SubString db 100 dup(?) 
    outs dw 100 dup(?)
    begin db 0000h
    n db 0000h
    StringLength db 0000h
    SubStringLength db 0000h
    dif db 0000h
    n1 db 0000h
    of1 dw 0000h
     data ends 
     code segment
    assume cs:code,ds:data
            mov ax,data             ; Point ds ( Data Segement )
        mov ds,ax               ; To data segment          
        lea si,String           ; si to Main String 
        lea di,SubString        ; di to Sub String
        mov cl,00h
        print Message1          ; Call Macro to Display String "Enter the String" 
            mov ah,01h              ; Dos Function To Read Character From Standard Input
        int 21h                 ; Dos Interrupt 21h 
                                ; OUTPUT : AL = character from the standard i/0 devi       
        cmp al,0dh              ; Cmp if carrage return or Enter Key is Pressed
        mov StringLength,cl     ; Store the Length of String in Memory
        je Next                   ; If Enter Key is pressed jump to l1 
        mov [si],al             ; Store Character in Memory Address of Main String 
        inc si                  ; Increment to Next Memory Location for next                   character in Main String
        inc cl                  ; Increment String Length Counter
        jmp LoopReadMainString
            print Message2          ; Call Macro to Display String "Enter the sub string"
        mov cl,00h
        jmp LoopReadSubString
         mov ah,01h              ; Dos Function To Read Character From Standard Input
        int 21h                 ; Dos Interrupt 21h     
        cmp al,0dh              ; Cmp if carrage return or Enter Key is Pressed
        mov SubStringLength,cl  ; Store the Length of Sub String in Memory
        je Nextto                  ; If Enter Key is pressed Jump to l3
        mov [di],al             ; Store Character in Memory Address of Sub Main String 
        inc di                  ; Increment to Next Memory Location for next character in Main String
        inc cl                  ; Increment String Length Counter
        jmp LoopReadSubString
            lea si,String
        lea di,SubString
             CheckFirstLetter:mov al,[si]
        mov bl,[di]
        cmp al,bl
        jne CheckNextLetter
        inc di
        dec SubStringLength
        jnz CheckNextLetter
        print Message3
        jmp exit
           CheckNextLetter:inc si
        dec StringLength
        mov dl,StringLength
        cmp dl,00h
        jnz checkit
        print Message4
      checkit:mov al,[si]
        mov bl,[di]
        cmp al,bl
        je CheckFirstLetter
        print Message4
        mov ah,4ch                  ; Dos Sub Function To Exit Program
        int 21h                     ; Dos Interrupt 21h
          code ends
         end start