This is my first time using the Knockout Mapping plugin to create my viewmodel directly from JSON from the server. The initial set of data comes from the server, then I poll for changes ever 10 seconds. This code works, but I feel like it is not very DRY.
I've looked all over for better examples but haven't had any luck. How can I avoid calling getJSON in two different places?
In my customer-scripts.js file:
function CustomerRefresher(id) {
var viewModel;
$.getJSON('/ApiCustomer/Get/' + id, function (data) {
viewModel = ko.mapping.fromJS(data);
setTimeout(refresh, 10000);
var refresh = function () {
$.getJSON('/ApiCustomer/Get/' + id, function (data) {
ko.mapping.fromJS(data, {}, viewModel);
setTimeout(refresh, 10000);
In my .cshtml file:
$(function () {
function CustomerRefresher(id){
var refresh = function(){
$.getJSON('/ApiCustomer/Get/' + encodeURIComponent(id), function(data){
if (typeof CustomerRefresher.viewModel !== 'undefined'){
ko.mapping.fromJS(data, {}, CustomerRefresher.viewModel);
CustomerRefresher.viewModel = ko.mapping.fromJS(data);
setTimeout(refresh, 10000);
Something like that? (can use the function itself to "cache" the view model) Also, example provided.
Also, FWIW, this is probably better suited for codereview.SE.