I expect these two links to point to the latest version of jQuery, version 1.11.0.
The code.jquery.com link points to 1.10.2 and the Google one points to 1.9.1.
Can anyone explain why, or indicate something which I might be doing wrong? I have tried clearing my browser cache and even tried the links on other machines.
Use this for latest version from google (although I personally don't recommend you to use latest version):
<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
The latest version of jQuery may not be compatible with the existing plugins/code on the site. Version updating should be an intentional decision. The latest version has a very short max-age=3600 compares to the specific version of max-age=31536000, which means you won't get the benefits of long-term caching.
So, Google doesn't waste its resources unnecessarily. You'll need to manually upgrade the URL to the latest.