I am using Cycle2 with a carousel pager, in the same way as this demo: http://jquery.malsup.com/cycle2/demo/caro-pager.php
Currently the active slide in the demo is on the left unless you are on the last few slides. What I would like is:
See diagram:
I have copied the demo to a jsfiddle here: http://jsfiddle.net/Qhp2g/1/ but would really appreciate some help as I'm not sure where to start(!) I have tried using data-cycle-carousel-offset="40%"
on #cycle-2
as this user tried with a similar problem to me Cycle2: Center Carousel active slide below main slideshow and this does not work because you can't access the last slides and there is space on the left at the beginning.
I assume I may need to change the plugin carousel script - http://malsup.github.io/jquery.cycle2.carousel.js - for my needs but really not sure where to start! Thank you so much for any help.
The thing you will have to do is edit the jquery.cycle2.carousel.js file, and change the transition function. I hard-coded the offset, but you can probably code it to be based off of the percentage that you give it if you want.
Here are the main changes:
var offset = 2; //Set the offset of your carousel, for 5 it will be 2.
//Use this offset to calculate the max and min slide locations.
var maxCurr = opts.slideCount - (opts.carouselVisible - offset);
var minCurr = opts.slideCount - (opts.carouselVisible + offset);
//Add the following conditions to account for the new minCurr
else if (hops > 0 && opts.nextSlide <= minCurr){
hops = 0;
else if (hops < 0 && opts.currSlide <= minCurr){
hops = 0;
else if (hops > 0 && opts.currSlide < minCurr && opts.nextSlide > minCurr){
hops = opts.nextSlide - minCurr;
else if (hops < 0 && opts.nextSlide < minCurr){
hops = opts.nextSlide - minCurr;
See the working fiddle here: http://jsfiddle.net/m66tS/10/