I am using Oracle Java 7.51 on Ubuntu 12.04, and trying to do this
long a = 0x0000000080000001 ^ 0x4065DE839A6F89EEL;
System.out.println("result "+ Long.toHexString(a));
Output: result bf9a217c1a6f89ef
But I was expecting result to be 4065de831a6f89ef
, since ^ operator is a bitwise XOR in Java. Which part of Java specification am I reading wrong?
You need an L
at the end of the first integer literal:
long a = 0x0000000080000001L ^ 0x4065DE839A6F89EEL;
Otherwise it is an int
literal, not a long
(the leading zeroes being ignored). The ^
operator then promotes the first operand value from 0x80000001 to a long
, but since the sign bit is set, the result of the promotion is 0xFFFFFFFF80000001L.