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Usb mouse driver using LIBUSB

I want to try "userspace" driver(it isn't my code) on Ubuntu. And I have this code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <usb.h>
#include <usbpp.h>

#define DEBUG_LEVEL 0

struct usb_bus *busses,*bus,*dbus;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
        struct usb_device *dev;
        char *buf;
        int n,x,r, ret;
        char *ibus, *idev;
        char string[64];
        int found = 0;       
        usb_dev_handle *udev;


        usb_init(); //initilize the usb library

        //use the command line arguments for Bus and Device
        if (argc >= 3) {
                ibus = argv[1];
                idev = argv[2];
        else { printf("Usage: usbtest <Bus> <Device> [<numBytes>])\n"); exit(1); }

        printf("Bus = %s Device = %s\n", ibus, idev);

        for (bus=busses; bus && (found == 0); bus=bus->next) { // busses loop
                if (strcmp(bus->dirname, ibus) == 0) {
                        for (dev=bus->devices; dev; dev=dev->next) { // devices loop
                                if (strcmp(dev->filename, idev) == 0) { dbus=bus; found=1; break; }

        if (found == 0) { printf("Unable to find the required device !\nexiting\n"); exit(1); }

        printf("Found device\n");
        printf("Now we are dealing with device from vendor ID : %d (%x) \n",dev->descriptor.idVendor,dev->descriptor.idVendor);
        printf("Trying to open the device...\n");

        if (udev=usb_open(dev)) printf("Device opened successfully.\n");
        else { printf("Operation failed :-("); exit(1);}

        if (usb_get_driver_np(udev,0,buf,100)) printf("Could not read the driver name :-( %s\n",buf); 
        else printf("Kernel Using Driver :\n");

        // detach the driver from the kernel , seems to be just like rmmod? 
        if (usb_detach_kernel_driver_np(udev,0)) printf("Error detaching the device :-(\n"); 
        else printf("Device detached successfully from the kernel.\n");

        // reserving the device interface for our application, if another driver/software
        //is using the device , it will return 'interface busy'
        if (r=usb_claim_interface(udev,0)) printf("Interface Claimed !!\n"); 
        printf("Interface Claim Status : %d\n",r);

        printf("Device Protocol : %d\n",dev->descriptor.bDeviceProtocol);
        printf("Report Length : %d\n",dev->descriptor.bLength);
        printf("Decriptor Type : %d\n",dev->descriptor.bDescriptorType);
        printf("End Points : %d\n",dev->config->interface->altsetting->bNumEndpoints);
        printf("Interface Class : %d\n",dev->config->interface->altsetting->bInterfaceClass);
        printf("Protocol : %d\n",dev->config->interface->altsetting->bInterfaceProtocol);
        printf("Interface Number: %d\n",dev->config->interface->altsetting->bInterfaceNumber);
        printf("Device Filename : %s\n",dev->filename);
        printf("Bus Dir Name : %s\n",dbus->dirname);

        printf("Device Manfucaturer : %s\n",string);
        printf("Product Name : %s\n",string);
        printf("Device Serial Number: %s\n",string);
        printf("End point addresses : 0x%x\n",dev->config->interface->altsetting->endpoint->bEndpointAddress);

        int numBytes = 4;
        int errCount = 0;
        unsigned char endPoint = 0x81;
    int i;
    int tmp1 = 5;
    int tmp2 = 5;

        // reset usb device if command line numBytes = 0 and exit
        if (argc == 4 && atoi(argv[3]) == 0) { usb_reset(udev); exit(0); }

        // use command line value for numBytes if supplied
        if (argc == 4) numBytes = atoi(argv[3]);
        if (numBytes > 64) numBytes = 64;

        while (1) {  
                for (x=0; x<numBytes; x++)  string[x]=0;

                // read numBytes bytes using interrupt_read,
                r = usb_interrupt_read(udev, endPoint, string, numBytes, 0); 


        if (tmp1>=0 && tmp2>=0 && tmp1<=150 && tmp2<=50){
        for (i=0;i<tmp2;i++) printf("\n");
        for (i=0;i<tmp1;i++) printf(".");
        if (string[0]==0) printf ("X");
        else if (string[0]==1) printf("L");
        else if(string[0]==2) printf("R");
        else if(string[0]==3) printf("LR");
        else if(string[0]==4) printf("M");
        else {
          if(tmp1<0) tmp1=0;
          else if (tmp1>150) tmp1=150;
          if (tmp2<0) tmp2=0;
          else if (tmp2>50) tmp2=50;
        if (string[3]==1) printf ("\nSCROLL UP");
        if (string[3]==-1) printf ("\nSCROLL DOWN");
        printf ("\n(%d, %d)",tmp1,tmp2);
        if ( r < 0 ) errCount++;
                if (errCount >= 100) break; 


        printf("Closing Device.\n");

        return EXIT_SUCCESS;

In this code are using API from libusb-0.1 - but i don't know excact version of it. Probably - it is libusb-0.1.12 (it have both headers "usb.h" and "usbpp.h", which are using in this code). I have download this version on ubuntu, install it, using

./configure && make && make install && sudo ldconfig

And after that I tried to do

gcc -c mouse.c -w

to compile this code. Bit it doesnt compile. It has different errors in "usbpp.h" (in standart includes like "string" or "list") or smth else.. Can anyone tell me, what i'n doing fundamentally wrong? And how can i try this code? PS - i try do test this code on ubuntu 9.04 and ubuntu 12>, both as virtual machines. It's my task in university.


  • usbpp.h is a c++ header file but you run gcc which is a c compiler. Run g++ instead.