Following is my HTML code of an anchor tag:
<a delhref="http://localhost/eprime/entprm/web/control/modules/questions/manage_question_issue.php?op=fixed&question_id=21627&que_issue_status=0" title="Fixed" href="#fixedPopContent" class="fixed">Fixed</a>
Now I want to add a question id to the above anchor tag and access it back in jQuery when user clicks on this hyperlink. For it I tried below code but it didn't work out for me.
<a delhref="http://localhost/eprime/entprm/web/control/modules/questions/manage_question_issue.php?op=fixed&question_id=21627&que_issue_status=0" title="Fixed" href="#fixedPopContent" class="fixed" data="21627">Fixed</a>
The jQuery code for it is as follows:
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".fixed").click(function(e) {
var t2 = $(this).data();
It's giving me the message [object Object] in alert box. Can anyone please help me in setting the value to a anchor tag and accessing it in jQuery?
try something like this
<a href="#fixedPopContent" class="fixed" data-q_id="21627"></a>
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".fixed").click(function(e) {
var t2 = $(this).data('q_id');
you can add attribute data-sample_name
on your html element.
In jquery use
$('your_element_id').data('sample_name');// to get value
$('your_element_id').data('sample_name','new value');// to set value