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Swing Graphics object not drawing over image in JLabel

I am creating a Java program that receives and plots GPS coordinates over a TCP socket connection on a 2D image of a map. The constructor creates the JFrame and graphical components and then starts off a SwingWorker thread to handle getting coordinates from the socket and then drawing an oval to represent the fix on the map.

I am able to always receive data over the connection but the program does not reliably draw points over the image.

Any suggestions and thank you!

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.util.List;

import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.SwingWorker;

import connectivity.TelitSocketServer;
import calculations.PlottingMath;
import objects.ElephantFix;

public class Gui 
    protected JFrame mainWindow;

    protected JPanel mapArea = new JPanel();

    private ReceiveFix rfix;

    public Gui()
        // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub

        mainWindow =  new JFrame();

        // Load map image
        Image map = null;
            File mapImage = new File("map_images/AWE_PLOT.JPG");
            map =;

        } catch (Exception e)

        JLabel label = new JLabel(new ImageIcon(map));

        // Map Image Dimensions

        mainWindow.getContentPane().add(mapArea, "Center");

        mainWindow.setSize(471, 670);

        rfix = new ReceiveFix();


public static void main(String args[])
    new Gui(); 


private class ReceiveFix extends SwingWorker<Void, ElephantFix>

    protected Void doInBackground()
        // Start the server
        String fix = "";

        TelitSocketServer currentConnection = new TelitSocketServer();
            // Wait for client to connect

            while (true)
                // Parse and convert received GPS fix into arc radians  
                fix = currentConnection.readLine();

                String[] split = fix.split(" ");

                double latWholeDegrees = Double.parseDouble(split[0]
                        .substring(0, 3));
                double longWholeDegrees = Double.parseDouble(split[1]
                        .substring(0, 3));

                double latMinutes = Double.parseDouble(split[0]
                        .substring(3)) * .166667;
                double longMinutes = Double.parseDouble(split[1]
                        .substring(3)) * .166667;

                double lat = latWholeDegrees - latMinutes / 10;
                double lon = longWholeDegrees + longMinutes / 10;

                publish(new ElephantFix(lat, lon));

        } catch (Exception e)


        // Return null if somehow unable to publish node data
        return null;


    protected void process(List<ElephantFix> fixes)
        int x, y;
        // Get the most recently published node
        ElephantFix aFix = fixes.get(fixes.size() - 1);

        // Translate lat/long into map X/Y pixel
        x = PlottingMath.getCurrentPixelX(aFix.getLatitude(),
        y = PlottingMath.getCurrentPixelY(aFix.getLatitude(),

        // Plot on image
        Graphics g = mapArea.getGraphics();


        g.fillOval(x, y, 15, 15);

        // mapArea.validate();
        // mapArea.repaint();
        // Gui.this.repaint();




  • You should not be drawing with a Graphics object obtained by calling getGraphics() on a Component. Doing this will give you a Graphics object that doesn't persist and an image that doesn't persist. Instead either draw on a BufferedImage with its Graphics object and display it in the GUI, or iterate through the data collection in the JPanel's paintComponent method and draw with the data obtained.