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How Do I Use an HTML5 Canvas as a WebGL Texture

I want to:

  1. Set Uniform values for case i.
  2. Render compute shader for case i to an HTML5 <canvas> tag.
  3. Use the <canvas> contents (case i render output) as a texture in the next render pass.
  4. Repeat for all cases.
  5. Extract answers into JS from color data.

I'm trying to make a compute shader and need to carry a value per pixel (fragment) on each render pass. A simple example would be incrementing the blue value of a pixel on each render call.


pass 1: b=1
pass 2: b=2
pass 2: b=3
  1. Is this kind of a shader loop even possible?

  2. Is there a better way to keep a'carry' texture in video memory for multipass processing (where uniform values must change between passes, unlike standard in-shader multipass processing)?


  • The short answer is you can't

    You can't currently access the canvas as a texture. Some other solutions

    1. Copy the canvas to a texture

      gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, gl.canvas);

      Will copy the current contents of the canvas into a texture.

    2. Render to your own texture by attaching it to a framebuffer.

      In this case you'd render to a texture that is set as an attachment to a framebuffer and then render that texture to the canvas (assuming you want to see the result and not just do math). There's an example here and here.