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How to use custom PolicySpi

I'm trying to implement a custom type, which should be checked at runtime (so no policy file, but in code). This checking is done by a I understood I should implement my own for this.

I cannot find any explanation on how to initialise and use a PolicySpi, or is there a better way to do this?


  • Checking permissions

    In your question you stated that you then want to check the permission with, but without using a spi.policy file.

    From the PolicySpi API, you can see that a PolicySpi object features 4 methods:

    1. engineGetPermissions(CodeSource codesource)
    2. engineGetPermissions(ProtectionDomain domain)
    3. engineImplies(ProtectionDomain domain, Permission permission)
    4. engineRefresh()

    However, you might not need PolicySpi as there are easier solutions to check permissions.


    Since you haven't specified what kind of permission you will grant, I will assume it is a permission concerning a object.

    To check all current permissions for a file:

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        CodeSource source;
        try {
          source = new CodeSource(new URL("file:/c:/*"), ([]) null);
          Policy policy = Policy.getPolicy();
        } catch (IOException e) {

    A nice example for the SecurityManager checkPermission() is this tutorial.

    For checking specific FilePermissions, you can use:

    FilePermission perm = new FilePermission("path/file", "read");

    Granting permissions

    Granting permissions at runtime can be done with java.lang.RuntimePermission.

    For other examples of how to grant permissions to a file, I suggest you read the following:

    That should bring you a long way! Good luck!