Below is my WinJS.UI.ListView definition. However, onselectionchanged is never called when right clicking or doing Ctrl+Click. I have setup my ListView identically to the samples(which work). Am I missing something? Or could something be interfering, just with the click selection?
this.m_listView = new WinJS.UI.ListView(this.domNode,
layout : {type: WinJS.UI.GridLayout},
itemTemplate : this.itemTemplate.bind(this),
selectionMode: 'multi',
tapBehavior: 'invokeOnly',
swipeBehavior: 'select'
this.m_listView.oniteminvoked = this.itemInvoked.bind(this);
this.m_listView.onselectionchanged = this.selectionChanged.bind(this);
EDIT: I Assign my datasource in a separate function with these lines
var itemList = new WinJS.Binding.List(this.m_nodes);
this.m_listView.itemDataSource = itemList.dataSource;
This ListView is wrapped in a javascript class. So my template function is a prototype of my EntriesList class. This is that function(I pulled out the real content for simplicity, I still have this issue with the content though):
EntriesList.prototype.itemTemplate = function(itemPromise)
return itemPromise.then
function (item)
var entry = document.createElement("div");
entry.className = "tile"; = "120px"; = "340px";
return entry;
The issue was something in our internal API was blocking pointer events. We were able to resolve the problem. The code/configuration in the question works.