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Rascal/Eclipse integration error (Unable to load Rascal perspective in Eclipse Kepler)

I installed Eclipse and Rascal as explained on the Rascal download page (

However, when I open the Rascal perspective I get the following error in the Rascal Navigator: "Failed to create the part's controls".

Furthermore, in the error log I get messages like:

Error Sat Mar 22 11:26:48 CET 2014 Exception while dispatching event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/ElementContainer/selectedElement/SET] to handler

org.eclipse.swt.SWTException: Widget is disposed

I installed:

  • Eclipse for RCP and RAP developers (Kepler Service release 2) (eclipse.buildId=4.3.2.M20140221-1700).
  • Java JDK 8 (also tried with Java JDK 7).
  • Installed Rascal using the update site.

Which Eclipse version will work with the Rascal plugin?


  • This issue has been reported and fixed. Until a new release is available I suggest resetting the perspective as a quick fix. (