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Transform Incanter matrix to nested vector

Consider a function that outputs an Incanter matrix.

Here is an example matrix containing output from the function:

A 6x4 matrix 
-4.77e-01 8.45e-01  1.39e-01 -9.83e-18
 8.55e-01 2.49e-01  1.33e-01  2.57e-17
-2.94e-03 6.60e-03 -9.63e-01  1.16e-16
 6.64e-09  2.55e-08  1.16e-07 -1.11e-16
-1.44e-01 -3.33e-01  1.32e-01 -7.07e-01
-1.44e-01 -3.33e-01  1.32e-01  7.07e-01

I'd like to continue analyzing the rows of the matrix, which represent points. The function that I want to feed the Incanter matrix to takes nested vectors as inputs.

So the function would need the above data in the form

[[-4.77e-01 8.45e-01  1.39e-01 -9.83e-18]  [8.55e-01 2.49e-01  1.33e-01  2.57e-17]
 [-2.94e-03 6.60e-03 -9.63e-01  1.16e-16]  [6.64e-09  2.55e-08  1.16e-07 -1.11e-16]
 [-1.44e-01 -3.33e-01  1.32e-01 -7.07e-01] [-1.44e-01 -3.33e-01  1.32e-01  7.07e-01]]

It is the transformation from the Incanter matrix representation to the nested vector structure that I am unsure how to perform. Is there a simple way to convert the data's representation?


  • You can do it with build-in to-vect function:

    (to-vect m)

    or with build-in to-list function:

    (to-list m)

    Both functions will produce vector-of-vectors when given a matrix:

    => (def m (matrix [[1 2] [3 4]]))
     A 2x2 matrix
     1.00e+00  2.00e+00 
     3.00e+00  4.00e+00 
    => (to-vect m)
    [[1.0 2.0] [3.0 4.0]]
    => (to-list m)
    [[1.0 2.0] [3.0 4.0]]