Search code examples

Doctrine MongoDB ODM search query

I want to create a full text search with mongodb. How can I create the following query. With the query builder API?

db.Item.runCommand("text", {search: "Awesome"});

Is that possible? Or how can I execute a native query.

Thanks for help.


  • Make sure text search is enabled for your mongodb

    The first step is to create an index in your document:

         use Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\Mapping\Annotations as MongoDB;
         * Class Item
         * @MongoDB\Document(repositoryClass="Acme\StoreBundle\ItemRepository")
         * @MongoDB\Indexes({
         *   @MongoDB\Index(keys={"title"="text"})
         * })
        class Item
             * @MongoDB\Id
            protected $id;

    Then you can create the schema to ensure the index

    php app/console doctrine:mongodb:schema:create

    In your custom repository you can now query a command like this:

    public function findFullText($searchTerm, $limit = 10)
            $resultSet = new ArrayCollection();
            //-- runCommand
            $itemResultSet = $this->getDocumentManager()->getDocumentDatabase('AcmeStoreBundle:Item')->command([
                'text' => 'Item',
                'search' => $searchTerm,
                'limit' => $limit
            foreach ($itemResultSet['results'] as $itemResult) {
                $resultSet->add($this->uow->getOrCreateDocument('\Acme\StoreBundle\Document\Item', $itemResult['obj']));
            return $resultSet;

    This is probaby not the most sophisticated way. But it will provide you with the desired set of documents.