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Using Eclipse with non-standard subversion directory layouts

I have a subversion repository with a layout like this:


It is this way for historical reasons, which aren't really up for debate and so I won't go into here.

I'm trying to use this layout with Eclipse (Juno) using the Subversive plug in. The .project file lives in /trunk/<projectname>, and I can check out a project from trunk with no problem. However if I try to create a new branch for a project using subversive, I seem to get into trouble. Creating a branch with a path /branches/<projectname>/<branchname>, it gets transformed into a branch /branches/<projectname>/<branchname>/<projectname>.

The repository properties dialog has no visible options which allow for this layout - although the Advanced tab has fields for "Resource names" which default to as "trunk", "branches" and "tags", these evidently cannot contain a path separator without being rejected as an "invalid resource name"

I've read the documentation for Subversive. It talks about a "Repository Location project layout", and states that with this "the user is free to change this layout by any way he wish" [sic] - but it doesn't really explain how.

In short What's the correct, or most expedient way to use this layout within Eclipse?

Note, I really need a way which will appease those users uncomfortable with the command line subversion client, so dropping to the command line won't be a very satisfactory solution.


  • This has been answered on the Eclipse Subversive forum here:

    To quote:

    It is not the one of recommended layouts, so the automation is not available for it. In order to use such a layout you should open plug-in preferences and change the following option: Window->Preferences->Team->SVN->Project structure->Branch and Tag settings from "Respect project structure" to "Manual specification"

    I have checked and it does seem to work, although unfortunately it is a global setting and not a per-project setting.