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How to print @, with 2 different type of string

I'm trying to write my first perl script. I find this a bit confusing since I only do C before this. I would like to print a string into a sqlfile and I'm having a problem to print a string that have @,. At the same time, I also need to print a variable.

This is my code:

Assume there is declaration and other function at the top
$dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=data.db" or die "Connection error: $DBI::errstr\n";
my $stmt = qq(SELECT * from menu;);
my $sth = $dbh->prepare( $stmt ) ;
my $rv = $sth->execute() or die $DBI::errstr;

while(my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array()){
      $ID[$m] = $row[0];
      $NAME[$m] = $row[1];
      $PASSWORd_FLG[$m] = $row[2];
$k = $m;
my $stmt2 = qq(SELECT * from menuitem;);
my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare( $stmt2 );
my $rv = sth2->execute() or die $DBI::errstr;
while(my @row = $sth2->fetchrow_arrray()){
      $ITEM_ID[$b] = $row[0];
      $ITEM_MENU[$b] = $row[1];
      $ITEM_NAME[$b] = $row[2];

sub write_menu_to_sql_file{
      my $k = @_;
      my $c = @_;
      print (FILE, ">>$sqlfile") or die $!;
      print FILE ('declare @last_menu_id int');
      print FILE ("insert into My_Menu (NAME, PASSWORD) values ('$NAME[$m]', '$PASSWORD_FLG[$m]')\n");
      print FILE('set @last_menu_id = (select @@IDENTITY)');
           print FILE("insert into My_Item_Menu (NAME,ID,ITEM_MENU) values ('$ITEM_NAME[$b]', @last_menu_id, $ITEM_MENU[$b])\n");

The output in the sqlfile will be:

 declare @last_menu_id int
 insert into My_Menu (NAME, PASSWORD) values ('Fikrie', 'Y')
 insert into My_ITEM_Menu (NAME. ID, ITEM_MENU) values ('WORK', ,'Fikrie')
 It will loop for all the data

As you can see, the @last_menu_id is declared as a variable, which I do not want. Instead I just want it to be as a string. So I tried changing all the word to use ' ' quote. But then, It doesnt recognize the other variable. How do I print a variable and a string that have @ in 1 line? I tried to write the code like this, but it gives error.

  print FILE("insert into My_Item_Menu (NAME,ID,ITEM_MENU) values ('$ITEM_NAME[$b]', "'@last_menu_id,'" $ITEM_MENU[$b])\n");

This is the error that I got:

 String found where operator expected near ""insert into My_Item_Menu (NAME,ID,ITEM_MENU) values ('$ITEM_NAME[$b]', "'@last_menu_id,'"
 (Missing operator before '@last_menu_id,'?)
 Possible unintended interpolation of @last_menu_id in string at ./ line.....


  • You can escape '@' character and try. Something like this: (Note the backslash before the @ symbol)

    print FILE("insert into My_Item_Menu (NAME,ID,ITEM_MENU) values ('$ITEM_NAME[$b]', "'\@last_menu_id,'" $ITEM_MENU[$b])\n");