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Combine boost::lexical_cast and std::transform

I would like to write something like this, which cannot be compiled:

std::vector<A> as;
std::vector<B> bs( as.size() );
std::transform( as.beginn(), as.end(), bs.begin(), boost::lexical_cast<B> );

But this is not working, so I created a functor which is doing this for me:

template<typename Dest>
struct lexical_transform
    template<typename Src>
    Dest operator()( const Src& src ) const
        return boost::lexical_cast<Dest>( src );

Is there an easier way to do this?


  • lexical_cast has two template arguments: target type and source type. Under normal usage, the second is deduced from the call.

    However, here you want to take the address of the function, and you need to specify all the template arguments:

    std::transform( as.begin(), as.end(), bs.begin(), boost::lexical_cast<B, A> );