I´m trying to add JSONP Format to lucarest restler api without luck
As mentioned in this thread jsonpsupport
i added a new file jsonpformat.php with the given context into my vendor/ folder where restler.php resides. Then i added the
$r->setSupportedFormats('JsonpFormat','JsonFormat', 'XmlFormat');
to my index.php but restlerExlorer does´t fire up anymore and the server logs says
...RestException' with message 'Class 'JsonpFormat' not found'...
But i put it into the folders that were stared in the thread... Help would be great. Thx Inge
We took the suggestion in the same thread and named our JSONP format as JsFormat
So just use
$r->setSupportedFormats('JsFormat','JsonFormat', 'XmlFormat');