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add JsonP-Format for callback function to restler

I´m trying to add JSONP Format to lucarest restler api without luck

As mentioned in this thread jsonpsupport

i added a new file jsonpformat.php with the given context into my vendor/ folder where restler.php resides. Then i added the

$r->setSupportedFormats('JsonpFormat','JsonFormat', 'XmlFormat');

to my index.php but restlerExlorer does´t fire up anymore and the server logs says

...RestException' with message 'Class 'JsonpFormat' not found'...

But i put it into the folders that were stared in the thread... Help would be great. Thx Inge


  • We took the suggestion in the same thread and named our JSONP format as JsFormat

    So just use

    $r->setSupportedFormats('JsFormat','JsonFormat', 'XmlFormat');