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How to add static imports to IntelliJ IDEA live template

I need to port the following Eclipse template to IntelliJ IDEA

 * See method name.
public void should${testdesc}() {
  // given ${cursor}
  ${staticImport:importStatic('org.hamcrest.Matchers.*', 'org.junit.Assert.*', 'org.mockito.BDDMockito.*')} 
  // when

  // then


What I've got so far is

 * See method name.
public void should$EXPR$() { 
  // given $END$ 
  ${staticImport:importStatic('org.hamcrest.Matchers.*', 'org.junit.Assert.*', 'org.mockito.BDDMockito.*')} 
  // when 

  // then


And then tick the Shorten FQ names flag.

What's the IDEA equivalent for the ${staticImport:importStatic()} expression?


  • You cannot just import the static imports in a live template. (You can for a file template, see below). But you can when using a method in the template. You just simply fully qualify the class and then select both the "Shorten FQ names" and "Use static import if possible" options. For example, the following:

    org.junit.Assert.assertEquals("$END$", $EXPECTED$, $ACTUAL$);

    Will result in:

    import static org.junit.Assert.*;
    . . .
    assertEquals("my error message", myExpectedVar, myActualVar);

    when invoked. (I have the $EXPECTED$ and $ACTUAL$ variables set to variableOfType("") with corresponding default values expected and actual)

    If you want certain static imports to be included in all your unit tests, then I would recommend editing the "Class" File and Code Template. For example:

    package ${PACKAGE_NAME};
    #if ($NAME.endsWith("Test"))
    import static org.junit.Assert.*;
    import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.*;
    import static org.mockito.BDDMockito.*;
    public class ${NAME} 
    #if ($NAME.endsWith("Test"))
        // Add any default test methods or such you want here.

    Keep in mind however, the static import will immediately be removed if you have the "Optimize imports on the fly" option (in IDE Settings > Editor > Auto import) turned on, unless you also include a method (or other code) that makes use of the static import.