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AngularJS Factory Parameter

I'm trying to send a parameter to an angularjs service. Here is my service code :

angular.module('skyBiometryServices', ['ngResource'])
.factory('Facedetect', function( $resource ) {
    return $resource('skyBiometry/facedetect', {}, {
        query: {
            method : 'GET',
            params : {imageUrl: "!_portrait_w674.jpg"},
            isArray: false

In my controller i have this :

function IndexCtrl($scope,Facedetect) {
    $scope.text = Facedetect.query();

How can i send the imageurl into my services from the controller ? Something like this

function IndexCtrl($scope,Facedetect) {
    $scope.text = Facedetect.query('MY IMAGE URL');

In advance thanks.


  • With more research i found a solution :

    factory('Facedetect', function( $resource ) {
        return $resource('skyBiometry/facedetect', {}, {
            query: {
                method : 'GET',
                params : {imageUrl: "!_portrait_w674.jpg"},
                isArray: false
    function IndexCtrl( $scope, $routeParams, Facedetect ) {
        $scope.imageurl = '';
        $scope.text = $scope.text = Facedetect.get({imageUrl: $scope.imageurl});

    I don't know if it's the best way but it works.