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What is the color selection used on Project>Options selected option

Right before I enter on SO, I detected that when I select an item on Project>Options dialog, it became dark blue with an black font (in other words, almost unreadable). Other items (not highlighted) are ok.

An example: when you enter in the Project>Options dialog the item highlighted is the "Conditional defines" on the Compiling Options notebook. In this case, it became unreadable. If I select another item, like "DCP Output Directory", THAT item become too dark and the other become readable. Here's an example where text below 'Conditional defines' is unreadable: enter image description here

Because of that, I guessed that was an problem with the color scheme used by that dialog.

Looking on the "Environment Options" of the IDE, I didn't found an specific setting for Project>Options.

Anyone know where is configured the colors used by Project>Options... dialog?


  • I discovered while searching on Google (which doesn't gave any good clue) that the Object Inspector colors are also used by Project>Options notebooks. In particular, the highlight color is from 'Highlight Color' of OI and the text color is from 'Name' color of OI.

    When I changed from the custom scheme to the default, all became ok...