this is my JSON string I'm receive from my HTTP response.
My class is set up like this
Friend Class SmartTrack_PostionList
Public positionList As SmartTrack_Postion()
End Class
Friend Class SmartTrack_Postion
Public ts As String
Public [date] As String
Public time As String
Public nodeid As String
Public lat As String
Public lon As String
Public speed As String
Public dir As String
Public sv As String
Public volt As String
Public rssi As String
Public us As String
Public type As String
Public net As String
Public height As String
Public hdop As String
Public cellid As String
Public dd As String
Public ttf As String
Public lac As String
Public odo As String
Public gle As String
End Class
I've tried the following lines of code but none are working
Dim ser As New System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer
Dim getPositionList As SmartTrack_PostionList = DirectCast(ser.Deserialize(Of SmartTrack_PostionList)(getResult.ToString), SmartTrack_PostionList)
Dim ser As New System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer
Dim getPositionList As SmartTrack_Postion= DirectCast(ser.Deserialize(Of SmartTrack_Postion)(getResult.ToString), SmartTrack_Postion)
This did work but I think it's bad coding.
Dim ser As New System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer
getResult = getResult.Replace("[", "")
getResult = getResult.Replace("]", "")
Dim dict As Dictionary(Of String, String) = ser.Deserialize(Of Dictionary(Of String, String))(getResult)
I would appreciate any help on this, thanks.
You'll have to deserialize your JSON string into a List(Of SmartTrack_Position)
, like
Dim ser = New System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer
Dim json = getResult.ToString()
Dim getPositionList = ser.Deserialize(Of List(Of SmartTrack_Postion))(json)