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Angular ui-router scroll to top, not to ui-view

I've just upgraded to ui-router 0.2.8 from 0.2.0 and I've noticed that when the state changes, the scroll position jumps to the top of te child ui-view that is the subject of the new state.

This is fine but I have two problems with it:

1) I have 30px padding between the top of the page and the ui-view and I would like it to scroll to the top of the page, leaving a gap. At the moment it goes exactly to the top of the ui-view which looks ugly. To achieve this I guess I either need to know how to get it to scroll to the top of the div that the ui-view is in (not the browser viewport), or I need to find out how to override $uiViewScroll to scroll to the ui-view minus 30px.

I have tried $uiViewScrollProvider.useAnchorScroll(); but if I do that it doesn't scroll at all. I have also tried <ui-view autoscroll="false">;, which also stops the scrolling completely.

2) It doesn't actually scroll at the moment, just jumps. Is it suppose to scroll or is it up to the developer to do this with CSS transitions?

Any help would really be appreciated :)


  • Another approach is to decorate the default $uiViewScroll service, effectively overriding the default behaviour.

    app.config(function ($provide) {
      $provide.decorator('$uiViewScroll', function ($delegate) {
        return function (uiViewElement) {
          // var top = uiViewElement.getBoundingClientRect().top;
          // window.scrollTo(0, (top - 30));
          // Or some other custom behaviour...

    And as Hubrus mentioned, for any <ui-view> you do not wish this to apply for, simply add autoscroll="false". I haven't taken a good look into the actual scrolling implementation, I just figured I'd mention the decorator way (it's alot of fun) as an alternative. I'm sure you can work out the exact scrolling behaviour.