I have a project consisting of various headers and .cpp files. With this I built a shared library with Eclipse and everything is ok. Now I want to use JNA with this C++ library. I am aware of other (maybe easier) options than JNA but it is obligatory to use this. I have searched around the web but to be honest I have not found until now a quite easy example to understand what I have to do and go on. I have tested some examples but they only consist of one header and one .cpp with very small functions and are not helpful for me at all. I have also found a tool called JNAerator which is supposed to simplify the procedure (if I understand well at least) but also the examples for it are limited. So I would really appreciate it if someone could explain me the steps to do this I want (C++ shared library with many headers and .cpp ---> JNA) and/or provide me links with examples.
Altough you did mention JNA is mandatory, did you consider using bridj, javacpp or swig?
If you really insist of using JNA then you have to hand-write C interfaces to the C++ API. Some examples I found: (1), (2), (3), (4) (google is endless ;-). For specific questions you may also try the jna user group.