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How can I set my Java system look and feel for JNLP apps?

I am running Gnome on OpenSuse. As a result, my system look and feel is GTK+, which has numerous ugly problems (see some of them here).

During development of my swing app, I can run the client from command line or IDE and specify VM parameter


to make it look good.

But I don't know how to force Java Webstart to use this VM parameter when I start the application through JNLP.

edit: This has nothing to do with the programmatic ability to set the look & feel. The application does this properly.

My question is how to tell Java Webstart to use a VM parameter "swing.systemlaf" when it runs the myapp.jnlp file.


  • Java Web Start allows certain JVM flags to be set with the java-vm-args attribute of the j2se element but you may use

    <property name="key" value="overwritten"/>  

    and set properties. it will be available through the System.getProperty and System.setProperties methods