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JMC maxage/maxsize doesn't work

According to JAVA cmd Reference I can set maxage and/or maxsize of JFR recording but it doesn't work.

I've shared Intellij IDEA recording and compilation of scala using ant: Stats

For idea I had the following settings:

-XX:+FlightRecorder -XX:FlightRecorderOptions=defaultrecording=true,disk=true,dumponexit=true,dumponexitpath=/home/ichaki/development/misc/stats/idea,maxage=1h,repository=/home/ichaki/development/misc/stats/idea,settings=profile

For ant:



Note: I want to make stat collection in envs with SSD's which are quite limited in size


  • Flight Recorder writes data in chunks to disk, about 12-15 Mb each by default, so it's not possible to set a maxsize below that threshold.