I have a program using the standard maths function in C++. On my Mac, it links just fine using clang, and without even using -lm. However, on Ubuntu, also using clang, after adding -lm to my command line, I get undefined reference to EVERYTHING. I mean literally everything.
My Makefile looks like this:
CC = clang
CFLAGS = -fmessage-length=0 -std=c++11 -pipe
LDFLAGS = -pipe
LDLIBS = -lpng -lpthread -lm
OBJS = Colour.o GraphicsLibrary/SimpleVector.o Camera.o Ray.o \
Material.o SceneObject.o Sphere.o Plane.o Polygon.o PolygonPatch.o Cone.o \
Cylinder.o Light.o Scene.o SimpleScene.o BoxedScene.o RTreeScene.o AABB.o Main.o \
AFF/parse.o AFF/texture.o AFF/animation.o AFF/quat.o AFF/kbsplpos.o \
TARGET = straylight
# ------------------ #
# Top level targets. #
# ------------------ #
all: ${TARGET}
rm -v ${OBJS} ${TARGET}
${MAKE} EXTRA_C_FLAGS="-g3 -pg" EXTRA_LD_FLAGS="-g3 -pg"
# ------------------ #
# Low level targets. #
# ------------------ #
%.o: %.C %.h Makefile
${CC} ${CFLAGS} ${EXTRA_C_FLAGS} -c -o $@ $<
As per the comments, when compiling C++, you need to use the correct compiler. clang++
for C++.
Often the C and C++ compilers are the same basic program, but invoking them as eg. clang or clang++ invokes them with the correct options for the target language.
Most likely the errors you saw were the result of the program not being linked against the correct runtime libraries.