I am trying out jmesa.
In jmesa, I am creating a worksheet. However, I am getting this error which isn't telling me much.
java.lang.IllegalStateException: The row unique property value is null! You need to specify the uniqueProperty on the row.
Here's my code.
<jmesa:htmlTable caption="People you may know" width="900px" >
<jmesa:htmlColumn property="selected" editable="true"
worksheetEditor="org.jmesa.worksheet.editor.CheckboxWorksheetEditor" title="selected" filterable="false" sortable="false"/>
<jmesa:htmlColumn property="firstName" editable="false"/>
<jmesa:htmlColumn property="lastName" title="Last Name" editable="false"/>
<jmesa:htmlColumn property="phone" title="Phone Number" editable="false"/>
<jmesa:htmlColumn property="address" title="Address" sortable="false" style="address" />
This solution involved 3 parts. I needed to:
tag: uniqueProperty="id"