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R Language: Put matrix in array Error

I am working on data analysis and trying to write the simplest code for now.

harry_data <- dir()

HarryData <- array(0,dim=c(4464,8,15))

h13 <- read.table(harry_data[1],skip=2,header=FALSE)

HarryData[,,1] <- matrix(h13,4464,8)

I checked dimensions for HarryData, h13, and matrix and they are all in same dimension. But if I put data, h13 in HarryData, it doesn't work.

I get this error Error in HarryData[, , 1] : incorrect number of dimensions if HarryData[,,1]on Console

Part of My data in h13 is like this obtained from

     V1  V2    V3    V4    V5  V6    V7    V8
1     1   1  -7.8 879.0   5.6 360 444.0   9.1
2     1   2  -7.9 879.1   4.6 360 444.0   9.1
3     1   3  -7.6 879.2   4.1 345 444.0   9.1
4     1   4  -7.6 879.3   4.1 339 444.0   9.1
5     1   5  -7.6 879.4   4.8 340 444.0   9.1
6     1   6  -7.9 879.4   3.6 340 444.0   9.1
7     1   7  -8.0 879.3   4.6 340 444.0   9.1
8     1   8  -8.0 879.4   4.1 340 444.0   9.1
9     1   9  -8.2 879.4   5.8 338 444.0   9.1
10    1  10  -8.4 879.5   4.6 339 444.0   9.1
11    1  11  -8.4 879.5   3.8 350 444.0   9.1
12    1  12  -8.1 879.5   4.1 347 444.0   9.1
13    1  13  -8.4 879.6   4.1 347 444.0   9.1
14    1  14  -8.0 879.6   5.1 357 444.0   9.1
15    1  15  -8.4 879.5   4.8 342 444.0   9.1
16    1  16  -8.5 879.7   4.1 359 444.0   9.1
17    1  17  -8.8 879.6   4.3 338 444.0   9.1
18    1  18  -8.4 879.7   3.6 350 444.0   9.1
19    1  19  -8.2 879.8   5.3 346 444.0   9.1
20    1  20  -7.9 879.8   1.3 360 444.0   9.1

What can be the problem causing this?


  • you should use as.matrix instead of matrix:

    HarryData[,,1] <- as.matrix(h13)