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Print Coordinates on a Board

How can I print in my board an object (character # object I) in proper coordinates?

(deftemplate cenario
(slot min-line)
(slot max-line)
(slot min-column)
(slot max-column))

(deftemplate line
(slot index))

(deftemplate column
(slot index))

(deftemplate coordinate
(slot line)
(slot column))

(deftemplate object
(multislot coordinate))

(deffacts cenario
(min-line 1)
(max-line 24)
(min-column 1)
(max-column 12)))

(deffacts line
(line (index 1))
(line (index 2))
(line (index 3))
(line (index 4))
(line (index 5))
(line (index 6))
(line (index 7))
(line (index 8))
(line (index 9))
(line (index 10))
(line (index 11))
(line (index 12))
(line (index 13))
(line (index 14))
(line (index 15))
(line (index 16))
(line (index 17))
(line (index 18))
(line (index 19))
(line (index 20))
(line (index 21))
(line (index 22))
(line (index 23))
(line (index 24)))

(deffacts column
(column (index 1))
(column (index 2))
(column (index 3))
(column (index 4))
(column (index 5))
(column (index 6))
(column (index 7))
(column (index 8))
(column (index 9))
(column (index 10))
(column (index 11))
(column (index 12)))

(deffacts I
(object (coordinate 5 24) (coordinate 6 24) (coordinate 7 24) (coordinate 8 24))))

(defrule startcolumn
(cenario (min-column ?x))
(assert(columnCurrent ?x)))

(defrule startline
(cenario (max-line ?x))
(assert(lineCurrent ?x)))

(defrule print-board
(cenario (max-column ?maxcol))
?f <- (line (index ?i))
?g <- (columnCurrent ?ca&:(<= ?ca ?maxcol))
(not (object (coordinate ?i ?ca)))
(lineCurrent ?i)
(retract ?g)
(assert (columnCurrent (+ ?ca 1)))
(printout t "?"))

(defrule print-object
(lineCurrent ?i)
(columnCurrent ?ca)
(object (coordinate ?i ?ca ))
(printout t ?i " " ?ca ))

(defrule change-line
(cenario (max-column ?maxcol))
?f <- (line (index ?i))
?g <- (columnCurrent 13)
(lineCurrent ?i)
(retract ?f)
(assert (columnCurrent 1))
(assert (lineCurrent (- ?i 1)))
(printout t crlf))

I want this final result:


























  • You can start with something like this.

    (deftemplate point
    (slot i(type INTEGER))
    (slot j(type INTEGER))     
    (defglobal ?*ROWS* = 5)
    (defglobal ?*COLS* = 5)
    (deffacts initial
    (currentRow 0)
    (currentColumn 0)
    (point(i 1)(j 1)) 
    (point(i 1)(j 2)) 
    (point(i 1)(j 3))   
    (point(i 2)(j 1)) 
    (point(i 2)(j 3))   
    (point(i 3)(j 1)) 
    (point(i 3)(j 2)) 
    (point(i 3)(j 3))
    (defrule print_1
        "Prints 1 if there's a point to print"
         ?r<-(currentRow ?i)
         ?c<-(currentColumn ?j)
        (point(i ?i)(j ?j))
        (printout t "1 ")
        (retract ?c)
        (assert (currentColumn (+ ?j 1)))
    (defrule print_0
        "Prints 0 if there's not any point to print"
        ?r<-(currentRow ?i)
        ?c<-(currentColumn ?j&:(<= ?j ?*COLS*))
        (not(point(i ?i)(j ?j)))
        (printout t "0 ")
        (retract ?c)
        (assert (currentColumn (+ ?j 1)))
    (defrule printNextRow
        "If we have reached the limit"
        ?c<-(currentColumn ?j&:(> ?j ?*COLS*))
        ?r<-(currentRow ?i&:(< ?i ?*ROWS*))
        (printout t "" crlf)
        (retract ?c)
        (retract ?r)
        (assert (currentColumn 0))
        (assert (currentRow (+ ?i 1)))

    The idea is to emulate a for loop using only asserts/retracts.


    Jess, the Rule Engine for the Java Platform
    Copyright (C) 2008 Sandia Corporation
    Jess Version 7.1p2 11/5/2008
    0 0 0 0 0 0 
    0 1 1 1 0 0 
    0 1 0 1 0 0 
    0 1 1 1 0 0 
    0 0 0 0 0 0 
    0 0 0 0 0 0

    Hope this helps