My application has some menu buttons that sends the users to my website.
I want to differentiate in the website how many users came from my app, out of all the regular users.
My app is written in C#, and currently I direct users like this:
string url = "http://mysite/somepage";
On the server side, I use Piwik for my web paralytics.
Any suggestions?
One good solution will be to add some parameter to the URL. Yet I was wondering if it's possible to play with the referrer field, for the sake paralytics simplicity.
Add something to the url, probably in the querystring that identifies that the user has originated from your application, like:
string url = "http://mysite/somepage?source=myApplication";
You can/could also use this to track the versions of your app that are in use by adding more to the url, for example ?source=myApplication&version=1.0.3 =)