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Singleton object- In static block or in getInstance(); which should be used

Below are two ways to implement a singleton. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

Static initialization:

class Singleton {
    private Singleton instance;
    static {
        instance = new Singleton();
    public Singleton getInstance() {
        return instance;

Lazy initialization is:

class Singleton {
    private Singleton instance;
    public Singleton getInstance(){
        if (instance == null) instance = new Singleton();
        return instance;


    1. Synchronized Accessor

      public class Singleton {
          private static Singleton instance;
          public static synchronized Singleton getInstance() {
              if (instance == null) {
                  instance = new Singleton();
              return instance;
      • lazy load
      • low perfomance
    2. Double Checked Locking & volatile

      public class Singleton {
          private static volatile Singleton instance;
          public static Singleton getInstance() {
              Singleton localInstance = instance;
              if (localInstance == null) {
                  synchronized (Singleton.class) {
                      localInstance = instance;
                      if (localInstance == null) {
                          instance = localInstance = new Singleton();
              return localInstance;
      • lazy load
      • high perfomance
      • JDK should be 1,5 ++
    3. On Demand Holder idiom

      public class Singleton {
          public static class SingletonHolder {
              public static final Singleton HOLDER_INSTANCE = new Singleton();
          public static Singleton getInstance() {
              return SingletonHolder.HOLDER_INSTANCE;
      • lazy load
      • high performance
      • cant be used for non static class fields