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Parsing the output of Xpath query

I have the output of my xpath query like by using phhp code -


$xmldoc = new DOMDocument();

        $xpathvar = new Domxpath($xmldoc);

        $queryResult = $xpathvar->query("testcase[substring-after(
        substring-after(script, '/'),
    ) = '$variable' or
            substring-after(script, '/'),
    ) = '$variable']"); 

foreach($queryResult as $var)
                echo $var->textContent;
                echo "\n";



output -

Backup_Restore_04_Restore_mode_OFF_Restore 3630976 SDN_CONTROLLER scripts/testSuite/sdnSTC/Flare/Backup_Restore/Sprint16_tests/Backup_Restore_RestoreModeOFFRestore.tcl This test case is to verify Message on Restore mode OFF TCL STC OK 89765 NULL ALL SDN SDN_CONTROLLER target:system:family:stc-auto-workstation-B Backup_restore_05_restore_mode_on_No_Restore_file 3631050 SDN_CONTROLLER scripts/testSuite/sdnSTC/Flare/Backup_Restore/Sprint16_tests/Backup_Restore_RestoreModeOnNORestoreFile.tcl To verify Restore mode ON and there is no backupfile available for Restore and restart flare in normal mode TCL STC OK 89766 NULL ALL SDN SDN_CONTROLLER target:system:family:stc-auto-workstation-B 

what i want is to get all the string ending with .tcl from this output.

How this can be done. Pls help.. m stuck here since last 1 week :(


  • to have the output in the array you can do -

    foreach($queryResult as $var) { $array[] = basename($var->getElementsByTagName('script')->item(0)->textContent); }