On sending side : i.e from contentscript.
//some DOM code to obtain values to store in 'marks' array.
//here I'm sending marks array to background.js.
// 1) Am I sending it right?
On receiving end : i.e in background script.*
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function(MessageSender sender, function
/* 2) what should be here */ });
3) here , how can I collect(store) the array variable passed from contentscript.
4) Now,from background.js can I directly call any function in popup.js(script file
linked to popup.html).
Can anyone please answer the above 4 questions?
Thanks in advance!
Inspecting my popup,gave me following error :
in manifest.json
add storage permission
"permissions": ["storage"]
in contentscript.js
save your data in the local storage Google Chrome : Chrome Storage API
var data = ''; //set your data here
'myVariable': data
use sendMessage to call the background page : Chrome messaging API
greeting: "myAction"
in background.js
get the message from contentscript.js
function (request, sender, sendResponse) {
if (request.greeting == "myAction") {
define the collectData() function
function collectData() {
chrome.storage.local.get('myVariable', function (items) {
console.log(items); //your data is on items.myVariable
to call popup.js function from background.js use the messaging API