I need to find minimums in a list of companies and prices. For example in one column I have apples, pears and grapes. For each of these there are several sellers and each of them has a different price. The list in the A coulmn would be Apple, Apple, Apple, Grapes, Grapes, Pear, Pear, Pear, Pear. In B would be Target, Trader Joe's, Harris Teeter etc... And in column C would be the price. Fruits in column A are in alphabetical order. I need to find a separate minimum for every fruit. I can do that manually except I have thousands of rows of data.
I'm thinking along the lines that I need to specify the area in which I want to return the minimum from. That would be as long as the entity in column A is the same, that's the area.
Does anyone know a solution for this problem?
If data starts at row 2 (headers in row 1) try this formula in D2 copied down
That will give you the minimum price on the first row of each fruit. Filter column D on non-blanks to see just the minimums