I've got a JSON which some dictionaries inside it. I need to generate an html table so each outer key will be a column of the table. Inner key-value pairs should at least be added as a single text (I think there could be nested cells to represent it but it would make it more complicated).
I had used dynatable library but due the structure of the received JSON it will fail to render a table properly.
This is my code:
function pintarTablaInutil(diferencias) {
var th = ""
for (var i = 0; i<numeroPuntos; i++) {
if ($("#check"+i).is(':checked')) {
th += '<th>' + (i+1) + '</th>'
var table = "<table id='resultados' class='table'><thead>" + th + '</thead><tbody></tbody></table>'
features: {
paginate: false,
sort: false,
search: false,
perPageSelect: false,
recordCount: false
dataset: { records: diferencias },
params: {
records: '_root'
First loop is just to see how many columns I'm managing.
This is an example of JSON structure:
"diferencias": {
"1": {
"1": 46.0,
"0": 45.0,
"2": 49.0
"2": {
"1 2": 3.0,
"0 1": 0.3333333333333333
"3": {
"0 1 2": 0.6666666666666666
What solution could I get? I'm using Bootstrap, just in case.
I've created a JSFiddle that I hope helps.
I used Underscore to remap the data. I also cleaned up your method a bit. The "checked" value seemed unclear to me.
var diferencias = {
"1": {
"1": 46.0,
"0": 45.0,
"2": 49.0
"2": {
"1 2": 3.0,
"0 1": 0.3333333333333333
"3": {
"0 1 2": 0.6666666666666666
var row = {};
_.map(_.keys(diferencias), function(val) {
row[val] = JSON.stringify(diferencias[val]);
var dataset = [row];