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How to return a filtered subset of an observablearray to a drop down box based on a radio button selection

I have a drop down box and a radio button that are part of a detail row. There can be multiple detail rows, so there can be multiple instances of this radio button and drop down list. I have an observablearray that is a master list of loans of types 'dl' and 'sb'. The 'dl' and 'sb' are the values on the radio buttons. When a user selects a radio button, i want to populate the drop down box with a list of the loans that have the loan type selected ('dl' or 'sb') from the radio button. So, for example, if a user selects the radio button that has the value of 'sb,' then I want to populate the drop down list on the selected detail row with only those loans that are 'sb' loan types (in the observable, a field called DocStandBy is tied to the loan type, and LoanNum in the same observable is the loan number to be displayed in the drop down box).

I have not been able to figure out how to return a filtered subset of an observablearray to a drop down box based on a click event on a radio button. Below is code that obviously does not work, but does illistrate what I am trying to do. How can I alter the below code to get this to work?


                         <tbody data-bind="foreach: LoanDetails()">
                        <tr style="border: none">
                            <td colspan="2">
                                <input type="radio" data-bind="checked: DocStandby, attr: { 'name': SeedID(), 'value': 'DL' }, click: $parent.SaveDocStand($data)" />
                                    <input type="radio" data-bind="checked: DocStandby, attr: { 'name': SeedID(), 'value': 'SB' }, click: $parent.SaveDocStand($data)" />
                                Stand By

           <tr style="border: none">
                            <td style="font-weight: bold">AB Loans:</td>
                                <select id="ddlLoans" data-bind=" optionsCaption: 'Choose...', 
                options: $parent.ABLoans($parent.dlOrSB() == $data.DocStandby()), optionsText: 'LoanNum',
                    optionsValue: 'LoanNum'">


  define(['services/logger', 'durandal/system', 'plugins/router', 'services/CertificateDataService', 'controls/Lucas', 'services/ErrorLoggingDataService',  'services/LCDataService'],
function (logger, system, router, CertificateDataService, Lucas, ErrorLoggingDataService, LCDataService) {

    var clients = ko.observableArray([]);
    var ABLoans = ko.observableArray([]);

    var clientID = ko.observable();
    var LoanDetails = ko.observableArray([]);

    var dlOrSB = ko.observable();

    var vm = {
        activate: activate,
        clients: clients,
        LoanDetails: LoanDetails,
        ABLoans: ABLoans,
        dlOrSB: dlOrSB,
    clientID: clientID,
   AddLC: function () {

            nextnum(nextnum() + 1);
            LoanDetails.push(buildRow(nextnum(), vm.LCLoans, 'DD'));

    SaveDocStand: function (row) {

            if (row.DocStandby() != null && row.DocStandby() != '') {
        //POPLUATES ABLoans observablearray, or THE MASTER LIST OF LOANS
                GetLoansByClient(row.DocStandby(), clientID(), 'AB');

        ko.utils.arrayForEach(LoanDetails(), function (item) {

                if (item.SeedID() == row.SeedID()) {
                    item.FilteredLoans = ko.computed(function () {
                        var val = row.DocStandby();
                        return LCLoans().filter(function (item) {
                            return val && item.LoanSubType === val;


            dlOrSB = row.DocStandby();



  • Each element of your LoanDetails array needs to have a separate computed that returns a filtered array of your ABLoans based on the selected DocStandby.

    You will notice that each element of LoadDetails has its own ko.computed ( FilteredLoans ) that just returns a filter based on the value of the DocStandby observable. It uses a common source of loans ( ABLoans ) so if that array was ever to be updated then all line item computed will also re-filter.

    Here is a basic example that shows you the mechanics invoked, you will need to adapt to your exact object model, specifically how you create your LoadDetail array items.


        <tbody data-bind="foreach: LoanDetails">
            <tr colspan="2">
                <td><input type="radio" data-bind="checked: DocStandby, attr: { 'name': SeedID(), 'value': 'DL' }" />Documentary
                    <input type="radio" data-bind="checked: DocStandby, attr: { 'name': SeedID(), 'value': 'SB' }" />Stand By</td>
                <td>AB Loan:</td>
                <td><select data-bind="options: FilteredLoans, value: LoanNum, optionsValue: 'LoanNum', optionsText: 'LoanNum', optionsCaption: 'Choose...'"></select></td>


    var vm = {
        LoanDetails: ko.observableArray([]),
        ABLoans: ko.observableArray([])
    var buildRow = function( seed, ABLoans) {
        var obj = {
            SeedID: ko.observable(seed),
            DocStandby: ko.observable(),
            LoanNum: ko.observable()
        // Add to object after obj is created so we can use that instance
        // using "this" to read the items DocStandby value
        obj.FilteredLoans = ko.computed( function() {
                var val = this.DocStandby();
                return ABLoans().filter( function( item ) { 
                    return val && item.Type === val;
                } );
            }, obj);
        return obj;
    vm.ABLoans( [
        { LoanNum: '1-DL', Type: 'DL' }, 
        { LoanNum: '2-DL', Type: 'DL' }, 
        { LoanNum: '1-SB', Type: 'SB' }, 
        { LoanNum: '2-SB', Type: 'SB' }, 
    ] );
    vm.LoanDetails.push( buildRow(1, vm.ABLoans));
    vm.LoanDetails.push( buildRow(2, vm.ABLoans));

    See this jsFiddle for the above code working