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Where can I find description of RedPitaya fpga pin mapping?

And manual for Xilinx ISE developing for it. At redpitaya wiki only few words about FPGA development.


  • With respect to Xilinx tools you will either need PlanAhead (not ISE) or you move on to Vivado ... From there on you can on the one hand side look into the source code and script that you get from the repository or you just open up a new project - put into xps or vivado a zynq ip and get the rest of the system together ... With repect to code I prefer to write basic testing code in SDK for new IP (especialy custom IP) and transfer it lateron to Linux ...

    The pinmapping can be found in the ucf-file in the repository for Planahead or Vivado (whether you prefer old school xilinx style or synopsys-style as in Vivado)

    I would recommend just to download the repositiory - go to the fpga folder and open the project with PlanAhead or Vivado - here you will find the pin mapping and also settings for the PS (which you can export from here to other projects as well ...)