I recently upgraded to Flash Professional CC (Mac 10.8.4) and it no longer gives the option of saving to a version of Flash earlier than 10.3. But Google DoubleClick and other ad networks only allow versions up to 10.1. Some even restrict to version 9.
I tried following the directions for CS6 found in this thread Compile for Flash 10.1 in Flash Professional CS6
But when completed, the Target drop down box in Publish Settings does not list Flash 9 or 10.1.
In short recap, here's what I did:
Create folder path to /Users/[username]/Library/Application Support/Adobe/language/Configuration
Added folders for "ActionScript 3.0" and "Players" (after completed tasks, folders for "ActionsPanel", "Classes", and "Include" were created automatically)
In /ActionScript 3.0 folder, two subfolders ("FP9" and "FP10.1" containing the v9 and v10.1 playerglobal.swc files, respectively)
In /Players folder, inserted two files: "FlashPlayer9_0.xml" and "FlashPlayer10_1.xml". Here's the code of the v10.1 file, the v9 basically the same:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<player id="FlashPlayer10.1" version="10" asversion="1">
<name>Flash Player 10.1</name>
<path builtin="true"/>
<path menuSortCategory="10"/>
<path platform="WIN">Device Central/adcdl.exe</path>
<path platform="MAC">Device Central/adcdl</path>
<playerDefinitionPath as2="$(UserConfig)/Classes/FP10;$(UserConfig)/Classes/FP9;$(UserConfig)/Classes/FP8;$(UserConfig)/Classes/FP7" as3="$(AppConfig)/ActionScript 3.0/FP10.1/playerglobal.swc" />
<feature name="multiScreenPublish" supported="true" />
<feature name="mobileAuthoringIntegration" supported="true" />
<feature name="deviceSound" supported="false"/>
<feature name="exportStreamingSound" supported="true"/>
<feature name="exportEventSound" supported="true"/>
<feature name="FSCommand2" supported="false"/>
<feature name="gradient_linearRGB" supported="true" />
<feature name="gradient_overflow" supported="true" />
<feature name="shape_strokeHint" supported="true" />
<feature name="shape_cap" supported="true" />
<feature name="shape_join" supported="true" />
<feature name="shape_mitre" supported="true" />
<feature name="shape_scale" supported="true" />
<feature name="linkage_exportForActionscript" supported="true" />
<feature name="linkage_exportForRuntimeSharing" supported="true" />
<feature name="linkage_exportInFirstFrame" supported="true" />
<feature name="linkage_importForRuntimeSharing" supported="true" />
<feature name="linkage_importAndAddToCache" supported="false" />
<feature name="publish_localPlaybackSecurity" supported="true" />
<feature name="publish_hardwareAcceleration" supported="true" />
<feature name="symbol_blendMode" supported="true" />
<feature name="actionScript_documentClass" supported="true" />
<feature name="symbol_blendMode" supported="true" />
<feature name="filters" supported="true" />
<feature name="component_binding" supported="true" />
<feature name="component_schema" supported="true" />
<feature name="screens" supported="true" />
<feature name="video" supported="true" />
<feature name="deviceVideo" supported="false"/>
<feature name="accessibility" supported="true" />
<feature name="dynamic_text_kerning" supported="true" />
<feature name="static_text_charwidth_nondeviceFont" supported="true" />
<feature name="static_text_charwidth_deviceFont" supported="true" />
<feature name="advanced_anti_alias_text" supported="true" />
<feature name="nine_slice_scaling" supported="true" />
<feature name="runtimeNumberMinMax" supported="true" />
<feature name="use8kSampleRate" supported="true" />
<feature name="useDefineFont4ForDeviceText" supported="true" />
<feature name="useDefineFont4ForEmbeddedFonts" supported="true" />
<feature name="textLayoutFramework" supported="true" />
<feature name="document_class" supported="true" />
<preset uuid="da5cac1a-417a-4d86-b7f7-ef21010a5d7d" name="FLV - Match Source Attributes (High Quality)" ext="flv" default="true"/>
<menu name="ID_testInFlash" default="true"/>
<menu name="ID_testInDeviceCentral" />
<menu name="ID_debugtInFlash" default="true"/>
<menu name="ID_debugInDeviceCentral"/>
Has anyone been able to get this to work on Flash Professional CC? I really appreciate any help you can give...
Ok, the issue here isn't that the tutorial isn't correct. The main difference is that Flash CS6 housed those folders in the
/Users/[username]/Library/Application Support/Adobe/language/Configuration
Folder while CC houses them in the Application Package itself. So follow the same tutorial but realize that everything is in the
/Applications/Adobe Flash CC/Adobe Flash CC.app/Contents/Common/Configuration/
Folder instead. Remember that to enter the Adobe Flash CC.app part you'll just need to right click the app in Finder and select "Show Package Contents" from the context menu.
Here are the directions:
If this doesn't work you may need to add the SWC to your Flash Movie. You can do that by opening Flash and: