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Joomla 3.2 - Turning Register Globals Off

Background: I downloaded Joomla 3.2 directly from Joomla's website, extracted the contents and uploaded everything to a subfolder within my /public_html via FTP; with the host being I access the frontend via www.{my_address}.com/Joomla3. I have .htaccess and php.ini in /public_html and .htaccess in my Joomla3 folder. It should also be noted that my php version is 5.3.13 and that I am using Filezilla for FTP transfers.

Problem: I am having trouble getting past the Pre-Installation Check. Everything under Recommended Settings is green while all the required settings are green...except the red "No" next to "Register Globals Off".

Attempts: From my desperate search through Google, here's what I've found/tried.

  1. *Register_globals is turned off in php.ini by default in PHP5* - Yet the pre-installation check shows otherwise. Perhaps the host keeps it on?
  2. Put register_globals = Off in php.ini - I placed it in /public_html/php.ini; No change. Also, I had to create php.ini myself. Perhaps it could be in the wrong location?
  3. Place php_flag register_globals off in .htaccess - I placed it in /public_html/.htaccess; I receive a 500 Internal Server Error on both www.{my_address}.com and www.{my_address}.com/Joomla3. When I place the line in /public_html/Joomla3/.htaccess, www.{my_address}.com/Joomla3, I receive Error 500 on just www.{my_address}.com/Joomla3.
  4. Go to Software/Services in HostGator Cpanel and click "php.ini QuickConfig" - Though I know it's for a different host, I tried looking for a similar option/tool on's control panel (whatever it may be called), but couldn't find one. Perhaps I overlooked it?
  5. *Put php.ini in /public_html/yourserver/administrator/* - Copied the aforementioned php.ini file into /public_html/Joomla3/administrator; No change. I copied the same file into /public_html/Joomla3/installation; I receive Error 500 yet again.
  6. If you are running PHP5, name your initialization file php5.ini - I changed php.ini to php5.ini; No change. I moved php5.ini to /administrator and /installation.

Those are all the attempts I can think of so far. Please let me know how to solve this. I appreciate all the help I can get. I've been working with Joomla 2.5 and I'd like to experience 3.2.

Note: I don't know what's with the formatting mishap in the 1st and 5th points. Please disregard the asterisks that were meant to italicize.


  • In the end, I submitted a ticket to's support staff with the request to turn Register_Globals off. They responded later that night after doing just that. I wish I could provide more details, but they hadn't provided any (even though I asked).

    So, problem solved. Thanks anyways to those who provided ideas to try.