I've been dealing with this for over a week, and now it's beginning to impede my productivity.
I have a JTextBox that I am applying a custom document filter to. To add this, I right-clicked on the control, went into Customize Code, and added this line beneath everything:
((javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument)jtfTextField.getDocument()).setDocumentFilter(new mylibrary.NumericDocumentFilter());
Now, this was a copy-paste job (as I've used this in other places). The field I wanted to set the filter to is called TextField
. By mistake, I clicked OK, compiled, and it exploded. Duh, I see my mistake. I fix it, recompile, and I still get the error. Now my code has this:
((javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument)TextField.getDocument()).setDocumentFilter(new mylibrary.NumericDocumentFilter());
((javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument)jtfTextField.getDocument()).setDocumentFilter(new mylibrary.NumericDocumentFilter());
And when I go into Customize Code, it just shows the correct (top) one. I close Netbeans, edit the file with Notepad++ and remove the offending line, and start Netbeans back up. Now it compiles, I run it, test, then when I go back, the code regenerated itself with the erroneous line.
I blew out the cache for Netbeans and that did nothing, so I am really at a loss on how to fix this. Any takers?
Netbeans Version 7.3.1.
Update: I snoop'd around a bit and found this in my Topcomponent's *.form file:
<AuxValue name="JavaCodeGenerator_AddingCodePost" type="java.lang.String" value="((javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument)jtfTextField.getDocument()).setDocumentFilter(new mylibrary.NumericDocumentFilter());"/>
Perhaps deleting this could fix the issue, but I'm not sure, and really don't want to risk destroying this project.
property of the tag above by your code.As for the error itself, you should put only generated code in the generated section. You can always do post-init after the initComponents()
method in the constructor. This avoids possible errors in GUI Editor and eases the control of the code for you.