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How can I use dijit/regisrty in an Intern functional test

I am having problems using any dojo modules with my functional test, I keep seeing window not defined errors or document not defined.

I am currently trying to use the dijit/registry like so (only importing its module so far)..

], function (registerSuite, assert, require, registry) {

        name: 'login',

        'load and login': function () {
            return this.remote.get(require.toUrl(''))
                .then(function (title) {
                    assert.strictEqual(title, 'Application title');

...and am getting the following error from node...

$ ./libs/intern/bin/intern-runner.js config=test/intern
Defaulting to "runner" reporter
Listening on

var win = window;
ReferenceError: window is not defined
    at c:/.../libs/dojo/_base/unload.js:6:11
    at execModule (c:\...\libs\intern\node_modules\dojo\dojo.js:512:54)
    at c:\...\libs\intern\node_modules\dojo\dojo.js:501:12
    at (native)
    at execModule (c:\...\libs\intern\node_modules\dojo\dojo.js:496:17)
    at c:\...\libs\intern\node_modules\dojo\dojo.js:501:12
    at (native)
    at execModule (c:\...\libs\intern\node_modules\dojo\dojo.js:496:17)
    at c:\...\libs\intern\node_modules\dojo\dojo.js:501:12
    at (native)

I have read a previous question about using dojo/text! in a similar way which seemed to indicate the geezer version of Intern could handle this maybe?

The test runs fine without the registry module.


Ok so based on C Snover's response, you cant leverage anything like dijit/registry outside of a webdriver execute() method as the code needs to be within the context of the web browser not the functional test.


  • Functional tests run from within Node.js, not the browser environment. If you want to access the dijit/registry instance that was loaded in the page you are testing, you need to use execute to run a function within the remote environment:

    return this.remote
      .execute(function () {
        // this function runs in the browser!
        var registry = require('dijit/registry');
        // ... do things with registry
        return something;
      .then(function (something) {
        // this function runs inside the test runner!

    You won’t be able to define dependencies that have DOM requirements (like dijit/registry) from functional test modules. Only browser-based unit test modules will be able to load such dependencies.