I am working on a Web Application, to be designed in Java using Play Framework. This application will have high traffic so performance will be a major concern. The performance cause is thus preventing me from using an Object Relational Model (ORM). On searching I found that ORM can be replaced architecturally using a Data Access Layer (DAL) also using database access via "raw" JDBC. However, since I am a novice, I don't understand what "raw" JDBC is. Is this similar to the one in this tutorial. Moreover, how can we implement a modular and manageable DAL using this pattern?
Your best bet would be to initially implement your program as quickly as possible ( lightweight Object Relational Modal may be a good choice). Your aim is speed of creation (but make sure you "hide" elements of your program so the use of an ORM or direct JDBC is not "known" by much of your program.
Once you have your program running, measure where your performance blockers are ... you may be surprised an what you find. Reducing the time to get "running" pays great dividends on focusing your improvement efforts on actual issues rather than "expected ones".