Say I want to enter information in an Org file that could be displayed in a tree-like format. Can Org help me with this?
For example I want Org to display a hierarchy of entities as follows:
├── foo
│ └── bar
├── baz
├── bax
├── src
│ ├── main
│ │ ├── java
│ │ │ └── something
│ │ └── fine
│ ├── yes
│ └── no
How can I enter this information in a way that Org understands it so that it can render the tree as above?
You might be interested by ditaa block for this:
#+name: tree
#+begin_src ditaa
| +----bar
| +--main
| | +---java
| | | +---something
| | |
| | +---fine
| |
| +--yes
| +--no
typing C-c ` in the src block will put you in artist-mode, a mode made for editing ascii art and that should make editing those tree easier.