I have set up a simple ray tracing in C++. I wanted to add the texture mapping to the sphere. It basically just map the texture from a PPM file to the sphere. Below are my code for the part.
//Call shaderay from trace ray function
// index_of_winning_object = index of scene object array
// point = intersection point
Color shadeRay (int index_of_winning_object, Vect point, Ray ray){
double final_index2;
//if no intersection, return the background color (double confirm)
if (index_of_winning_object == -1) {
return bkgcolor;
Vect c = scene_objects[index_of_winning_object].getSphereCenter();
Vect p = point;
//Normal to the intersection point and sphere
Vect N = p.vectSub(c).normalize();
//Calculating the texture coordinate for a sphere
double temp = acos(N.getVectZ());
double temp2 = atan2(N.getVectY(), N.getVectX());
double v = temp / 3.141592653589793;
if (temp2 < 0) {
temp2 = temp2 + (2 * 3.141592653589793);
double u = temp2 / (2 * 3.141592653589793);
// get_ppm_width = width of the sample texture ppm file like (picture.ppm)
// get_ppm_height = height of the sample texture ppm file like (picture.ppm)
int width = u * get_ppm_width;
int height = v * get_ppm_height;
//calculating the pixel of the ppm file, I store the pixel in get_array in RGB struct
// ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
// 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
// ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
// above is the example of the get_array. get_array is a one dimensional array of RGB struct
int px = height + (width * get_ppm_width);
// Get the color from the get_array
Color final (get_array[px].r, get_array[px].g, get_array[px].b );
return final;
Can somebody please let me know what I have done wrong for the shaderay function? Thanks a lot
Top left is the picture of the sphere I got. While the bottom the texture of world map.
After calculating N, try calculating (u, v) using this algorithm:
u = 0.5 + arctan2(dz, dx) / (2*pi)
v = 0.5 - arcsin(dy) / pi
I suspect that's your problem.
Try to isolate your problem by generating a colour solely using your UV coordinates, rather than picking them from the texture. You could try:
int red = u % 255;
int green = 0;
int blue = 0;
Examine the results. Are they what you'd expect to see?