I'm trying to compare a resultset to a string, but can't seem to get it to work. This is is what I'm trying:
When I printout resultset.getString("name")
I get George. So they should be equal?
I also have a comparator using resultset.getInt("Age")
that works, so I thought maybe I could be clever and use compareTo instead of equeals, but when I try,
I was expecting to get 0, but I get 93???
What am I missing?
If .equals
does not show them to be equal, then there is a difference. Could there be a space after one of them, or perhaps some other extra character?
Try printing both of them surrounded by a known character, maybe something like:
System.out.println("*" + resultset.getString("name") + "*");
Also, as a dummy check, make sure getString
is actually returning type String. If this is a method you've defined, it could be returning something strange.