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Filter with 3 and more criteria

Good day everyone!
I extremely need to use filter with 3 criteria, but by default there is just 2. So how could I find cells (in certain column) which contain "AGD" or "mrk" or "macro" using standard excel or vba? thx in advance


  • Seya, set correct range and Field and try this

    Sub FilterByMoreThanTwo()
      Range("A1:C1").AutoFilter ' set your range
      Range("A1:C1").AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=Array("AGD", "mrk", "macro"), _ 
    End Sub

    or if you want to be able to use an array variable that's made of variables

    Sub FilterByMoreThanTwo()
        Range("A1:C1").AutoFilter ' set your range
        Dim arr(3) As String
        arr(0) = "AGD"
        arr(1) = "mrk"
        arr(2) = "macro"
        Range("A1:C1").AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=arr, Operator:=xlFilterValues
    End Sub