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How to change the face of the Wijmo RadialGauge to half circle with Angularjs

I want to change the standard full circle RadialGauge of the Wijmo libary to a half circle one. I have gone through the documentation and I know this can be done by overriding the 'face' property.

I just can't figure out how to do this in Angular. I want to be able to set a property face in the HTML and do the calculations in the Angular controller.

Example in plnkr:

Edit 1

Instead of having a full circle as is shown in the current plunkr, I want to show half a circle like so:

When you go to 'source' on the website, I know that I have to somehow get the following property into Angular:

face: { 
    template: function(ui) { 
        var a = ui.canvas.path($.wijraphael.sector(ui.origin.x, ui.origin.y, ui.r, 0, 180)), 
        b = ui.canvas.path($.wijraphael.sector(ui.origin.x, ui.origin.y, ui.r / 6, 180, 0)), 
        style = { 
            fill: "#E0E8EF", 
            stroke: "#E0E8EF"
        //return ui.canvas.image(url, ui.origin.x - ui.r, ui.origin.y - ui.r, ui.r * 2, ui.r * 2); 

Edit 2

I haven't been thorough enough in stating my problem obviously, thank you Ashish. My problem is that I can get the example working with jQuery. But I want to do it "the Angular way". I have updated my plnkr and added the face(ui) function to the script.js file. Ui is however undefined in this context.


  • You need to set this property in the angular markup of WijRadialGauge by adding a face tag and set its template property to the function name like this:

      <face template="face"></face>

    where the face is a function defined below;

    function face(ui) {
      var a = ui.canvas.path($.wijraphael.sector(ui.origin.x, ui.origin.y, ui.r, 0, 180)),
       b = ui.canvas.path($.wijraphael.sector(ui.origin.x, ui.origin.y, ui.r / 6, 180, 0)),
       style = {
              fill: "#E0E8EF",
              stroke: "#E0E8EF"
      //return ui.canvas.image(url, ui.origin.x - ui.r, ui.origin.y - ui.r, ui.r * 2, ui.r *    2);