I want to change the standard full circle RadialGauge of the Wijmo libary to a half circle one. I have gone through the documentation and I know this can be done by overriding the 'face' property.
I just can't figure out how to do this in Angular. I want to be able to set a property face in the HTML and do the calculations in the Angular controller.
Example in plnkr:
Edit 1
Instead of having a full circle as is shown in the current plunkr, I want to show half a circle like so:
When you go to 'source' on the website, I know that I have to somehow get the following property into Angular:
face: {
template: function(ui) {
var a = ui.canvas.path($.wijraphael.sector(ui.origin.x, ui.origin.y, ui.r, 0, 180)),
b = ui.canvas.path($.wijraphael.sector(ui.origin.x, ui.origin.y, ui.r / 6, 180, 0)),
style = {
fill: "#E0E8EF",
stroke: "#E0E8EF"
//return ui.canvas.image(url, ui.origin.x - ui.r, ui.origin.y - ui.r, ui.r * 2, ui.r * 2);
Edit 2
I haven't been thorough enough in stating my problem obviously, thank you Ashish. My problem is that I can get the example working with jQuery. But I want to do it "the Angular way". I have updated my plnkr and added the face(ui) function to the script.js file. Ui is however undefined in this context.
You need to set this property in the angular markup of WijRadialGauge by adding a face tag and set its template property to the function name like this:
<face template="face"></face>
where the face is a function defined below;
function face(ui) {
var a = ui.canvas.path($.wijraphael.sector(ui.origin.x, ui.origin.y, ui.r, 0, 180)),
b = ui.canvas.path($.wijraphael.sector(ui.origin.x, ui.origin.y, ui.r / 6, 180, 0)),
style = {
fill: "#E0E8EF",
stroke: "#E0E8EF"
//return ui.canvas.image(url, ui.origin.x - ui.r, ui.origin.y - ui.r, ui.r * 2, ui.r * 2);