I am trying to set a different image with the setImage
The issue is that the new image becomes visible just for a very short period of time, but then fades away in to the original image.
Besides that, the play button disappears.
Here is my code:
require(['$api/models', '$views/image#Image'], function(models, Image) {
// Play a single track
var track = models.Track.fromURI('spotify:track:7B1Dl3tXqySkB8OPEwVvSu');
var image = Image.forTrack(track, {player: true});
// A line added by me to set the new image
// Pass the player HTML code to the #single-track-player div
This code is mostly taken from the Spotify Apps Tutorial.
The only line I have added is that with the setImage
What am I doing wrong?
There might be a race condition when setting the custom image using Image.setImage
A solution is to use the Image.fromSource
require(['$api/models', '$views/image#Image'], function(models, Image) {
// Play a single track
var track = models.Track.fromURI('spotify:track:7B1Dl3tXqySkB8OPEwVvSu');
var image = Image.fromSource("/img/spotify-logo.png", {
playerItem: track,
player: true
// Pass the player HTML code to the #single-track-player div