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Efficient 3D block rendering with Libgdx

To start with,I am pretty new to 3D programming and libgdx. I looked at a few tutorials and I already render the scene I want. I have some 1x1x1 blocks, created with ModelBuilder.createRect() for every visible face, so if another block covers a face of this block, there is no rect created for this block. Also the top and bottom rect is not needed, as I can never see them (except for the floor). So I thought, that this is pretty efficient. I also have Backface culling enabled and I do Viewfrustum culling. However, if I look in a direction, where many blocks are in my viewfrustum the FPS go down to 15-20. This is still okay for me, as my laptop is over 5 years old and its performance is not the best, but this answer made me think.

"ModelBuilder is used for debug only". Okay, but how should i then create my boxes? Why should i create a Model in a Modeling app (like Blender), for simple squares? By doing this i couldn't even cull the faces, which are occupied by other blocks. So my question is: How can i create and render those boxes the most efficient way?


  • ModelBuilder#createRect will create a new model for each rectangle. When rendering a (part of a) model instance, it implies a draw call. Therefor ModelBuilder#createRect is extremely inefficient. It is better to combine multiple rectangle into a single (part of a) Model. This can be done using:

    MeshPartBuilder mpb = modelBuilder.part(....);
    mpb.rect(...); // first rect.
    mpb.rect(...); // second rect.
    // etc.
    Model model = modelBuilder.end();

    Note that this is still not efficient enough for e.g. a voxel engine. If you are aiming to optimize for voxels, you'll probably want to build the mesh (after frustum culling and depth sorting) in a custom RenderableProvider. Here's an example: